ChildFund Korea works to fulfil our mission and vision defending children’s rights and changing their environment safer and healthier through the ‘child – first’ principles and policies.
We conducts projects to help children solve the problems they face and create a child-friendly environment based on the UN
Convention on the Rights of Children. Budget plans and all financial execution are implemented according to mid- to long-term
plans and strategies for Children, going through series of approval and verification from the board members and committee for clear
and transparent code of conduct. Every reports, audit, annual project reports and monitoring results are disclosed to public through
our official website and Government system.
We have secured Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) accounting system, based on Government regulation and Act on Social
Welfare Corporation and Facility Financial Accounting and the Act on the Collection and Use of Donations so that every exercise
in the organization and between partner institutions are managed and controlled to prevent any violation of code of conduct, to
monitoring human mistakes and to correct errors.
We conducts regular audit both internally and externally on accounting-budget planning and execution details. We faithfully
implement audit by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, and tax agencies
to objectively evaluate/verify responsible and transparent operations.
We publishes and submit reports on our financial revenue, income and expenditure of donations under the Inheritance and Gift Tax
Act and update the information on the National Tax Service's official website. Reports and information of our transparent
implementation are clearly open for all sponsors and to the public.